Archive for the ‘Thursday Favorites’ category

2015?!! Shit. Mixmas got delivered in February. All the better. Xoxo

2015: Will get better from seroquel on 8tracks Radio. 2015: Happy to be Here from seroquel on 8tracks Radio. Hey my loves, I guess I can’t help myself. I still make a mixmas. In fact I made two. Two different vibes. It made sense to me. What made it a bit more fun this year […]

Pretty songs to get you through your winter crushes

So here it is: the second half of mixmas 2012. This is a much more easy-going set of songs. These songs, unlike part one, don't demand running shoes and gas pedals and hurtling velocity. They feel comfortable in a living room. Or on a brisk walk with a hat and gloves. Or with a glass […]

Thursday WTF: Beck on Bowie

  Beck covers Bowie’s “Sound + Vision”: Conducted by Beck’s father David Campbell, the expansive orchestra includes the Dap Kings, members of the USC marching band, a Peruvian charango band, a gospel choir, a gamelan ensemble, an arsenal of electric guitars, percussion, mallets and harps, a theremin, a singing saw, an Alphorn, and yes, a yodeler. […]

Three Aztec Gods

This is on the side of a taqueria in Highland Park. It took me a minute to sort out who it is. I’m left wondering, however, what Psalms 37 and John 2 have to do with Larry, Curly, and Moe. (Click for a larger view.)

Now digging

Now digging: *The way the hubbs has been recently rocking three very close but unmatching shades of the same color. I ruminate on color a lot, buckets of lot, but wouldna arrived at this. Here he is today being sky. Yesterday, stone. *The juicy nugget that Rick Santorum’s wife lived “in sin” for six years […]

My ten favorite things of summer 2011–so far

I hope all yuz How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Phase One are having a great summer. Here are a few of my favorite things: 1.) Old Bay Seasoned Potato Chips 2.) The Book of Mormon, the musical. And especially this song “I Believe” (Although “Turn it off” and “Hello” (and half a dozen […]

Thursday favorite things: A TV show, a few movies, some music.

Oh Winter! I'm gonna keep this short: how to get your ex back advice Modern Family I know I'm a year late coming to this awesome show. But it's my new favorite TV series. (fyi, this recognition changes several times a year). I didn't really get into it until Thanksgiving when my sister forced me […]

Song of the summer

For several years running there has been, by common consent among friends, an official/unofficial, sometimes disputed, song of the summer.  After an extended email conversation recently with a beloved former contributor (he who shall not be named), I decided to collect a few nominations.  Past songs of the summer have been big and epic with […]

Thursday favorite: Nerd pleasures

Last Saturday I went down to Princeton for a “monomeet,” a gathering of 20 or 30 people (two women among them! really!) who had or were interested in monomes. There were presentations on programming for monome in a couple of different computer languages. An attempt to create the world’s longest monome-based step sequencer (successful). A […]

Thursday favorites: Falling apart in Wisconsin

Hi all. I’d like to use the Thursday slot for talking about a movie I like a whole lot. My favorite movie ever? I don’t know — I could probably find other movies I like “as much” or even “more”. But I will say I think this movie is as good, as fully realized, as […]