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Archive for the ‘Slacking Off’ category
i am not a hipster.
I think that we can all agree that Silverlake, Brooklyn, and Foodies have all jumped the hipster shark. Here are some of the finer examples of hipsterism gone overboard: “Ruth Bourdain” is the nom-de-text of a hilarious critic of foodie-ism. Observe her recent snark here: Last night, on our way to a Dodger game with […]
Jumping off tall objects for fun: yea or nay? Are you an adrenaline junkie? Do you like pushing yourself beyond limits of comfort (and possibly sanity)? Do you enjoy the sound of your own panicked shrieking? Are roller coasters just not cutting it for you these days? If the answer to any of these questions […]
As a kid, I saved Cracker Jack wrappers and vintage glass insulators from the tops of telephone poles. As an adult, my house is littered with baskets of Cape Cod sea shells, fabric from every quilt store east of the Mississippi, a Big Gulp cup full of wine corks with “cool branding,” a shelf of […]
Thursday playlist: Loose associations
Last time grandpa fawcett posted here, it was a bunch of gripes. This time it's a jumble of thoughts and enthusiasms, the ramblings of early dementia: 1.) This song “A Real Hero” by College (feat. Electric Youth) is from the movie Drive. I could not stop playing this song every day, ten times a day, […]
Are we forgetting art?
Obviously, some among us are getting that art made all the time, doing the painting and the playing and the poeming for the rest of us. Making art might be your job, your hobby, or something you end up doing because your kid needs a story, a song, or a drawing buddy. Some of us […]
Forty-nine mixes later – highlights of trip
My son and I just got back from a 15 day road trip to explore possible college choices. Here are a few highlights. Best Advice, Fun Facts and Wisdom from Student Tour Guides: “The swans living on this pond are the 13th generation from the original swans brought here when the school was established!” “If you […]
Bonus playlist Wednesday: stoned soul picnic edition
(Check out the complete soul food mix series: Dinner, Dessert, Redux, Leftovers.) So, yesterday was the first day of summer. How did you celebrate? I spent the morning working in the garden. In the afternoon I went for a haircut and ended up getting nearly twelve inches cut off, the most drastic change to my […]
Favorite things
The flu with a subsequent hacking cough. An endless job transition. Another day of 39 degree Spring. Summer clothes that are now strangely ill fitting after a long winter of eating chocolate and hibernating. Other irritating events that cannot be posted without libel. And when in the hell is Easter? Ever had one of those […]