Why do I want to write about Kenneth Goldsmith and Sheila Heti and Social Media and The Afterlife? Cause they all add up to this really hot sweaty tangled love story. With a surprise ending. Here, come with me… I’ve been running along this intellectual trail for a few months. It’s got some awesome leaps […]
Archive for the ‘Future’ category
The fantastic, futuristic world of 2001…
… as envisioned in 1967. Walter Cronkite walks us through what computers might be able to do for us in the 21st century! [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6DSu3IfRlo&feature=player_embedded[/youtube] As one YouTube commenter noted, “He’d crap his pants if you told him that actually all that stuff fits in your pocket… and we mainly use it to share […]
What can a kid do?
I’ve been teaching some texts relevant to this New Yorker article and have been having mixed feelings about the issues it raises. It’s not long, but if you want the quickie version, Kolbert discusses an anthropologist’s comparison between this kid in the Peruvian Amazon: A member of another family, Yanira, asked if she could come […]
Stardate: December 5, 2117 I’ve been stuck on this god-forsaken planet for 3 earth-years now. My safety suit was supposed to be state-of-the-art, but the seams leak and my skin itches from the sulfuric-acid dust particles that filter through. All my friends back on earth are watching the black dot move across the face of […]
A process, an end, a beginning
The college search and decision process represents, for some kids, a significant threshold. They begin to move from the present emotion of adolescence to the future rationale of adulthood. They have to consider their own identity in an attempt to find a cultural and academic match. They must take a sobering account of their performance and […]
It takes a lot to freak me out, but…
First a little back story, I am the faculty advisor for an anime club. As advisor, I have two tasks, to open the classroom door where the meetings are held, and sit tight while members conduct their meetings. You should, please, understand that I am NOT an anime fan. I agreed to advise the club […]
The old fools
The Old Fools by Philip Larkin What do they think has happened, the old fools, To make them like this? Do they somehow suppose It’s more grown-up when your mouth hangs open and drools, And you keep on pissing yourself, and can’t remember Who called this morning? Or that, if they only chose, They could […]