


6 responses to “Juxtapositions”

  1. LP says:


    I really like that these juxtapositions aren’t meant to be true mirror images, just images that have something in common. A fun way to look at completely different scenes / objects.

    PS: the guy who took the photo in the bath with the camera in his mouth: Oy.

  2. Dave says:

    Yeah, that mouth-to-tub picture looked familiar to me. I think the guy made his mouth into a pinhole camera or something?

  3. Farrell Fawcett says:

    And Dave, I meant to say something about this post too. What I kept thinking as I scrolled through these juxtapositions was ‘out of the hundred pictures, how did Dave arrive at THAT image for the post picture? Does this image help me understand Dave better? (oh, the curse of the psychiatric mind) My answer: I think not. But I do miss trying to understand Dave better. I hope your new move let’s you post more here. And I do hope to make it to SF sometime in the next year. Loved this link.

  4. Bryan says:

    I do love that Warhol Polaroid of Dolly.

  5. ssw says:

    oh my god. the teeth shot. But also the girl mushed up against the glass-against the sausage in a bottle. oh my. totally loved that. oh ff go easy on me for psychoanalytic reads. do we have to? xx