UFO spotted over Vegas!

…a must see, and proof that space aliens exist!

11 responses to “UFO spotted over Vegas!”

  1. I sense some sort of theme emerging…

  2. Jeremy says:


  3. LP says:

    This is fantastic!

  4. SGee says:

    Imagine my surprise when I looked out and saw the Rio getting tractor-beamed into the mothership!

  5. lane says:

    oh come on, looks like a lampshade.

  6. ScottyGee says:

    No! It was the real deal!!! Didn’t you see the news that the entire strip was zapped up by aliens??

  7. lane says:

    come on . . . a little photoshopping please . . .

  8. ScottyGee says:

    Ah Lane, you’ve got me. It was indeed a photo of the Rio taken from my room in which the reflection of the light from behind me was visible in the shot. And I thought I had you. Drat! Foiled again…

  9. lane says:

    ok ok, i know, i’m just pissin’ in the wind . . . so where were you, what hotel? for that view of the rio i’m guessing ceasars.

  10. ScottyGee says:

    We were at the Mirage. As Vegas goes, it was pretty nice.

  11. lane says:

    oh wow that is nice, those main strip casinos are pretty cool. i’ve stayed at cesars and mandala bay (kind of middle brow i know, but my cousin used to work there.)

    i’d love to stay at the luxor, or the mirage or the belagio. sounds fun.