Archive for 2014

Brussels Sprout Jesus

Happy thanksgiving!

Here are some fabulous dishes for you to try out on your dinner party!      

Hey, lady, you want us to fix your car?

So, I had some time to kill in the Valley the other night. I was supposed to meet a friend at 6:30 for an odd little adventure:  we were going to a talk by an “internationally recognized prophecy expert,” a the-world-is-ending, repent-or-perish type who we hoped would go on a wild rant about stocking up on rice, guns and […]


I finished the bench made from the nice piece of wood. It was’t that hard, but it took some time. Sanded down the wood with several grits of sandpaper. (An orbital sander made this SO much easier than just using sandpaper wrapped around a block of wood.) Then wipe-on polyurethane, one of the least hip […]

Here’s a new post on The Great Whatsit

Hi, everybody! Nice to see you all hanging out here again. Here’s some stuff I’ve been thinking about recently: Is Homeland good, bad, offensive, or some combination of all three? I can’t help but think that if I were (a) Pakistani, (b) bipolar, or (c) CIA agent, I’d really hate this show. It’s so completely divorced from reality […]

Almost as catchy as the one about George Washington

This is fun and surprising.

Draft Liz?

I was in Iowa this weekend where apparently nobody can get enough of presidential nominating politics. There was a group of people outside my hotel handing out t-shirts and getting email addresses. I’m not going to say that Warren would solve all our problems. But when I think back on the Bill Clinton administration, and […]

Compact OED

Borges dreamed of the infinite book, and although I wouldn’t have taken the description to that metaphysical extreme, so do I. It’s easier to let that dream go now that I’ve gotten used to infinite network nodes and am never more than a couple of feet from an access point. But the electricity might go […]

A nice piece of wood

This piece of wood was cut in the 1910s from an old-growth redwood tree. It became part of a big barrel for brining olives. Many years later, someone took apart the barrel and sold the wood to a wood store in Berkeley, and this weekend I came along and bought it. Here it is after […]

It was 30 years ago …

Somewhere in the last couple weeks, amidst all the completely justified U2 hating, someone mentioned that this is the 30th anniversary of Unforgettable Fire. Made me think of this post, which I just re-read. That comments section!