Archive for March, 2012

Two popular political delusions, or, the art of the possible

So it’s politics time again. This week, arguments at the Supreme Court about the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, a.k.a. Obamacare, the law that according to (most of) its proponents will solve the country’s health-care problems and according to its detractors represents socialism or tyranny or something like that. The Tea Party held a […]

Black box

Oh, This American Life

You are a great show. But your aw-shucksiness about politics is really dangerous. (Via zunguzungu on Twitter.)

It takes a lot to freak me out, but…

First a little back story, I am the faculty advisor for an anime club.  As advisor, I have two tasks, to open the classroom door where the meetings are held, and sit tight while members conduct their meetings.  You should, please, understand that I am NOT an anime fan.  I agreed to advise the club […]

Because we’re fans of random poems here, right?

Some guy made a program that finds iambic pentameter on Twitter and compiles non-rhyming sonnets, with hilarious results.

Let’s Be The First Ones To Discuss The Hunger Games On The Internet

The Hunger Games film adaptation is coming out in theaters today. Fans of Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark* will finally get to see the story play out on the big screen. Advance tickets are selling out across the world. Millions will crowd into movie theaters and buy popcorn and candy to munch on while watching […]

The old fools

The Old Fools by Philip Larkin What do they think has happened, the old fools, To make them like this? Do they somehow suppose It’s more grown-up when your mouth hangs open and drools, And you keep on pissing yourself, and can’t remember Who called this morning? Or that, if they only chose, They could […]

Ain’t I a woman?

A few weeks ago, I attended a series of meetings with people from my workplace in which we talked about gender performance. It was mostly folks I didn’t know, but I was enjoying getting to know them. Almost everything I said seemed to be shocking, though I certainly didn’t intend it to be, and I […]

Kony 2012 – the musical

I trust you’ve all been following the strange story of Kony 2012, the half-hour video that went viral last week? The 83 million views, the criticism of its makers for overstating the strength of Joseph Kony and his Lord’s Resistance Army  in Uganda, the subsequent very public meltdown of the lead filmmaker Jason Russell? I […]

Monday photo: 3/19/12