Archive for January, 2011

So i’ve been really into my shakeIt app lately…

Great Whatsit Year In Movies

The Great Whatsit, as far as I can tell, is a suit case full of mystery, or a trunk full of a glowing, radioactive substance that will emulsify an over-curious highway patrolman within nanoseconds. It’s a website with an interest in film. Now 2011 is almost a month old at this point, but I thought, […]

I’m about to get my Old Spice on — 2010 Mix

Dear Reader-Listeners, As I sit here composing this post and listening to the mix of songs from 2010 I have made, I think of you as you may be as you listen to it wherever, whenever, however it may be you listen to it — blasting from your stereo as you make dinner with friends, […]

Tuesday updates

For your reading pleasure, a few updates from previous posts. 1. The New Yorker caption contest. In March 0f 2009, I wrote of my frustration at never getting a cartoon caption in the final three in the New Yorker’s contest. The first of the rather astonishing 34 comments included  AWB’s link to a site (since […]

My favorite mummers

Sure the holidays are over — I even celebrated their passing on this very blog — but I do feel a responsibility to share some of my favorite snaps from the Mummers Parade. For those of you who’ve never beheld this event, imagine if David Lynch and Darren Arnofsky were given combined control over the […]

Weighty matters

Being Stella and writing about weight loss seems predictable.  It’s a cliché that women are obsessed and oppressed by body image, but I’m going to come out as someone who just lost weight and feels really good about it. In the fall, a confluence of stressful and unhappy events led me to stop eating properly […]

Hateful tasks of adulthood

Writing cover letters after being reminded that it’s really an exercise in self-branding Picking up one’s prescription Keeping track of one’s money Shoveling the walk for the third time in a single storm Going to bed at a reasonable hour Refraining from skipping out on obligations and sleeping in Putting down Angry Birds Explaining the […]

When therapy doesn’t work, try…


Censorship is a Funny Thing

In the past few weeks, my roommate and I have watched a couple of movies that got their directors banned from making films in their home countries. We didn’t set out to do it; it’s just what we like, I guess. It seems a bit extreme to me, not just to ban the film itself, […]

Five years, and counting…

Next Monday, The Great Whatsit will celebrate its fifth birthday. It all began back on Monday, Jan. 23, 2006, with Bryan Waterman‘s post, “On Broadway.” In the five years of our existence, we’ve had 1,579 posts and 18,456 comments. We’ve had fabulous bloggers come and go – miss you, BW, Dorothy Gale, Cedric, Rogan, E. Tan, […]