Archive for January, 2008

Thursday playlist: The rhythmical is the political

1. High Hopes (With John Kennedy) — Frank Sinatra 2. Have A Nice Trip — Merv Griffin 3. Russian Bandstand — Spencer & Spencer with the Sonya Pryor Choir 4. Hello, Lyndon! — Ed Ames with the “Hello Dolly” Male Chorus 5. We Need Nixon — Lionel Hampton & The Inner Circle 6. The Ballad […]

Non-event in a locationless place:

I love airport bars – not only because they get me though the horror of flying – I love them because they are the true crossroads of America. Around me are some of the regulars: the guy wearing an earpiece and an embroidered polo shirt who loves his sales job, the guy sitting next to […]

The Ladies’ Home Journal Predicts

In December of 1900, the Ladies’ Home Journal published an article titled “What May Happen in the Next Hundred Years” by one John Elfreth Watkins, Jr. Though Mr. Watkins did not predict the fact that during the century in question, fine names such as “Elfreth” would be tragically phased out, he did in fact manage […]

eDating adVentures

On New Year’s Eve I performed my usual New-Year’s Eve ritual: I write down what I want to be rid of from the current year on one piece of paper. And then, on another piece of paper, I write what I want to bring into my life for the upcoming year. And then I burn […]

Tidy TV

I like order, progress, and productivity. I feel good when I’ve ironed and tidied and organized. I have numerous lists and love crossing things off. It would be nice to be laid back and go with the flow, but my flow won’t go until it’s tidy. And cable TV knows I’m out there. And it […]

Who let the dogs out? More short reviews

We bring you more short (less-than-100-word) reviews, and although we haven’t actually counted words, we suspect that at least one is in solidarity with the current administration’s disregard for the rule of law. Sundance 2008 I suppose it could be argued that what made U23D an “indie” film is the independent technology behind the film; […]

Stigmatic twins

Here’s my attempt at the short reviews format. Make what you will of a qualified recommendation, an eviction from the canon, a queue-topping rave, and a warning you would do best to heed. Philip Glass, Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters (Nonesuch, 1985) I was listening to a minimalist compilation (which, if memory serves me, […]

What, me worry?

I worry that you-all don’t have enough to worry about. I worry that I worry too much. So here are some of my worries, on the theory that if I cast my worries onto the digital waters of the Internet, cyber-seagulls will eat them up and regurgitate them into the mouths of their young, or […]


Every once in a while I think — usually while calling 5 minutes before I get home to say I’m 5 minutes away from home — how odd it is that in the last century I didn’t own a cell phone. Aside from email, which I didn’t have until the fall of 1994, it’s probably […]

Her best client

I have a crush on my physical therapist. She is all Charlize-Meg-Reese perky with blond curly hair and eyes the color of her pale blue sweater. She is like a favorite second grade teacher who always knew what to say and when to say it and we all vied for front row seats in her classroom. She […]