Archive for 2007

Happy New Year: Open Thread Edition

Do you resolve? What are you resolving for 2008?

Clink, clink, fizz

Just in time for New Year’s Eve, five ways to drink your champagne. 1. Classic champagne cocktail: place one sugar cube in the bottom of the flute; add a few drops of angostura bitters; pour cognac – you want it to be no more than 20-25% of the whole; fill glass with champagne. This is […]

I Loved That Tree! It Was A Good Tree.

Who wants Baileys?

A country for old men

In college I became so angry with the outrageous acts my government has commited, ostensibly on my behalf, that I researched renouncing my United States citizenship. This research was not merely about youthful anger, it was also guiding my honor’s thesis. My basic thesis was that the nation state was a problematic construction that didn’t […]

The reason for the season

Merry Christmas, everyone.

We interrupt your weekend: Whatsies housekeeping

Here’s the plan for this year’s Whatsies — our way of looking back on the TGW’s 2007 daily doses. Anyone who reads this site (contributors, commenters, lurkers) is welcome to nominate a favorite post from 2007. All you have to do is invent an idiosyncratic category for your nominee and write a introduction of 30 […]

Eat, Pray, Love… and then eat some more*

Don’t know about you, but this time of year, I feel like a Baleen Whale… Walking through holiday buffets with my mouth wide open, food sifting through my gaping maw and into my gullet. Is it that time of year or the newly-discovered Ramsay BBC specials or the crazy hormone pills my vagina doctor gave […]

Thursday playlist: Best music videos of 2007

It’s a hard thing to compile a list like this. The great majority of music videos suck. And I'm a very intolerant critic. Which means there are precious few videos that make my year's-end list. The ones that make the list meet certain criteria that I’ve honed over the years: First, a video can’t be […]

Listen, Listen

I really love my job. Most people can’t say that, but I’m proud of what I do for a living. I work for a company that does music composition for commercials, but we have a small music licensing department, for which I’m one of three music supervisors. We work on commercials as well as a […]

Phthis and Phthat

I just started reading Eat, Pray, Love. I resisted for a while, because it’s one of those books that comes out of nowhere to become the “must-read!” book of the year. Everyone seems to be reading it, and at least five people have recommended it to me recently, partly because the writer describes a year […]