Even before the recent confession in these pages to possibly deviant peeing practices, I’d conceived of writing a post addressing the topic of men and urinating. This idea grew out of an incident at a baseball game on a very hot Saturday afternoon a couple weeks ago. After drinking about a liter and a half […]
Archive for July, 2006
Hot news flashes
Extra! Extra! In the spirit of that dead-tree medium I love so well, but by means of this here “new media” vehicle, I hereby offer the Hot News Flashes of the day: 1. Oprah is not gay. In this month’s O magazine, Oprah informs a breathless public that she and her best friend Gayle King […]
Hell of a town
This month is my one-year anniversary of living in New York. I grew up in the West and didn’t even see New York until I was in my 20s (seven years ago this month). That first, brief visit gobsmacked me. Even though the city was in the grip of a maniacal heat wave with temperatures […]
American thigh
Saturday afternoon we met our friend Joanna at Wahoo’s, a taco joint near Manhattan Beach, where we ordered a sack full of blackened fish tacos and other goodies to take down to the beach. Parking would suck, Joanna had told us, and the beach would be a zoo, but it was near other commitments we had that morning and […]
Stella’s garden
I’m an amateur gardener, which will not be a surprise if you know I’m English, because that is what you expect. But, learning to garden has been a hard process for me over the past five years. I essentially destroyed the garden I inherited, then failed to sustain the new version, then finally cracked the […]
Peeing in the sink
Over the July 4th weekend a few friends were in town and several delightfully drunken evenings were spent lounging on our deck talking about many different topics. At one point, as conversation inevitably tends to do, the subject turned to scatology. Our friend Andrea told the story of a friend of hers who was dating […]
Amusement-phobic, redux
A few months ago, I wrote a post about my (ir?)rational fear of amusement-park rides (and one ride, in particular), a fear that has followed me through childhood and teenhood and young adulthood and into my thirties. And while I’m not afraid of all rides, I generally stay away from the ones with height requirements. […]
A year ago I spent less than 24 hours in Helsinki on my way back from St. Petersburg. Maybe the short duration of the visit explains it — always leave ’em wanting more — but ever since then I’ve felt something pulling me back. I don’t understand it. I flew into and out of Helsinki […]
There were DC kids and Marvel kids, and I, without the slightest doubt, was a DC kid. My dad had bought me a copy of Justice League of America in 1973. He taught me to keep it safe, protect it. I read it over and over until the covers fell off, but not because I’d […]
Melted Mailbox
After boosting me through the window to my locked apartment, Human Television guitarist Boyd Shropshire sat down and talked with me about psychedelic art, the Zombies, and pasta sauce. His latest project is called Melted Mailbox, a Psychedelic Vinyl Singles Club. From the website: “Melted Mailbox is a collection of music that arrives in bi-monthly […]