Archive for the ‘Technology’ category

Our stupid awesome inevitable Afterlife

Why do I want to write about Kenneth Goldsmith and Sheila Heti and Social Media and The Afterlife? Cause they all add up to this really hot sweaty tangled love story. With a surprise ending. Here, come with me… I’ve been running along this intellectual trail for a few months. It’s got some awesome leaps […]

Better videos

I like this one with the sound off. Worth doing full-screen and hi-def, too. The film is made of actual images from the Cassini mission to Saturn; the editing makes it into an outer-solar-system Stan Brakhage film. (Related: the new photo of the Earth from Saturn taken by Cassini.) [vimeo width=”600″ height=”450″][/vimeo] This next one […]

Twitter recommendations

Back in February 2012, when I was still on my prolonged hiatus from this here site, my lovely friend Lisa Parrish posted a list called “Things that are supposedly great that I didn’t like at all.” As a rule, I wasn’t even commenting at that point, but she almost dragged me out of lurker status […]

Thinking about Twitter post-Boston

This isn’t quite the post I promised last week. I’ll get to that one — a list of my favorite Twitter feeds — next time. For now, I can’t stop thinking about the events of last week as a watershed in the history of social media. At every turn, from first-hand accounts of bombings at […]

Gifs that keep on giving

Whatever your holiday persuasion, may your fondest wishes come true. More at


Stardate: December 5, 2117 I’ve been stuck on this god-forsaken planet for 3 earth-years now. My safety suit was supposed to be state-of-the-art, but the seams leak and my skin itches from the sulfuric-acid dust particles that filter through. All my friends back on earth are watching the black dot move across the face of […]

How to shift gears

So I’ve been rebuilding a classic British road bike for the last few months. (It doesn’t actually take months to do this, unless you only work on it every few weeks for a couple hours at a time and without knowing what you’re doing.) About a month ago, I thought I had it all set, […]


As a kid, I saved Cracker Jack wrappers and vintage glass insulators from the tops of telephone poles. As an adult, my house is littered with baskets of Cape Cod sea shells, fabric from every quilt store east of the Mississippi, a Big Gulp cup full of wine corks with “cool branding,” a shelf of […]

Umbrellas, lost and broken

Why is the humble umbrella such a conundrum?  Can we not come up with a design that can open, close, fit in a purse, and withstand a certain degree of bluster? Having spent a day battling New York winds and rains, I am stumped at the imperfections of this essential object.  I propose that we […]

What’s news?

This afternoon I was reading the LA Times on line, catching up on Frank McCourt’s latest flailing attempts to maintain control of the Dodgers. When I was done, I scrolled to the bottom and glanced at the links there. Sometimes I’ll make my way through the news like this, instead of returning to the homepage […]