Archive for the ‘Food’ category

Brussels Sprout Jesus

Happy thanksgiving!

Here are some fabulous dishes for you to try out on your dinner party!      

Weekend recs

How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia, by Mohsin Hamid (2013) You start reading a novel you know nothing about. It’s written in the second person, which is rarely done and even more rarely done well. But as you read the story of a young man in an unnamed Asian city, you are first […]

Weekend recs

Orange is the New Black (2013- ) Series in the age of Netflix are designed for binge watching, and Orange, about a Smith grad who goes to federal prison, is a prime example. Season I is thirteen episodes and everyone you know has already watched the whole thing, so you might as well power through. The […]

Weekend recs

Anselm Kiefer at Gagosian Gallery in Chelsea, NY. Der Morgenthau Plan, Anselm Kiefer’s show at Gagosian, is completely arresting. Expressive, imposing, somewhat menacing, and intensely, darkly vibrant, these massive paintings are named after US Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, who in 1944 proposed converting “post-war Germany into a pre-industrial, agricultural nation, allegedly in order to limit […]

The Navajo know

No time for an actual post this week, so allow me to whet your appetites and, for some of you at least, lubricate your memories. Today in my American lit class we were discussing a version of the Navajo emergence story — the account of how the Diné came to inhabit this, the Fifth World […]

i am not a hipster.

I think that we can all agree that Silverlake, Brooklyn, and Foodies have all jumped the hipster shark. Here are some of the finer examples of hipsterism gone overboard: “Ruth Bourdain” is the nom-de-text of a hilarious critic of foodie-ism. Observe her recent snark here: Last night, on our way to a Dodger game with […]

Today is Victory Day

It is only in the last few years that, thanks to one of our resident Russophiles, LP, I have come to appreciate a good May 9th party. May 9th, as you may know, is the day that Russia and the other former Soviet republics celebrate as Victory Day, when the Allies finally overcame the Nazis […]

All Together Now

Last night the hubs and I took a brief respite from our ongoing 30-Rock marathon to watch “Commune”, a 2005 documentary about Black Bear Ranch, a commune that was started in the late-60’s in Northern California. [youtube][/youtube] While the film touches on the political and social upheaval of the time, most of the focus is […]

On dinner

One of the few things my mother and I are in total agreement about in every way is that, in this scurvy and disasterous world of ours, nothing is in such a sad state as party RSVP manners. And of party RSVP manners, none have fallen so very low—-yea down into the very earth!—-as dinner […]