2015: Will get better from seroquel on 8tracks Radio. 2015: Happy to be Here from seroquel on 8tracks Radio. Hey my loves, I guess I can’t help myself. I still make a mixmas. In fact I made two. Two different vibes. It made sense to me. What made it a bit more fun this year […]
Archive for the ‘Desire’ category
Our stupid awesome inevitable Afterlife
Why do I want to write about Kenneth Goldsmith and Sheila Heti and Social Media and The Afterlife? Cause they all add up to this really hot sweaty tangled love story. With a surprise ending. Here, come with me… I’ve been running along this intellectual trail for a few months. It’s got some awesome leaps […]
Weekend rec
This should be required — not simply recommended — viewing for all Americans this and every other 4th of July weekend. Is there any more concise expression of why we should ambivalently love this country? What was the best holiday-related thing you watched or listened to this weekend?
Cleaning out my desk today for an office move I discovered a copy of an essay I received from a student a couple years ago. I asked the class to write about a person who had had a big influence on them. I reproduce the essay here as is, with only the real names redacted. […]
Died and gone to Valhalla
Today I join with my fellow comic book fanboys and fangirls in celebrating the highly anticipated opening of The Avengers or as Flixter User Reviewer Flutie Archibald called it: “. . . THE BEST MOVIE I’VE EVER SEEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!” Six super heroes, two secret agents and one seriously cool villain (I have had a “thing” for Loki […]
Ten hours
I recently stumbled across this video: ten hours of Darth Vader’s wheezing. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bc1Zc4qsTQk[/youtube] Hypnotic! Weird! Fabulous! But then things got even more hypnotic, weird and fabulous when I discovered that the “ten-hour video” is a bona fide Interwebs phenomenon. People are looping together short clips to make ten hours’ worth of all kinds of ridiculous […]
The magic world
The first time I heard of the Alhambra and saw a photo of it in a book, I was captivated. I couldn’t imagine that a place like that with a name like that existed in this century, on this planet. I was living in central Europe at the time, though, so I was standing inside […]
How’s that fugue state coming along? *
Last week Swells mentioned a tune she’s currently digging so much that she claimed, “I might need to ease up on the rotation soon so I don’t forget all the other songs I know.” That got me thinking a lot about repetition, particularly as it concerns art and our experience of it. How and why […]