Archive for the ‘Class’ category

Have “a” nice day

Zum ersten Mal

By the time I’m scheduled to write my next post, I’ll be in Europe. I’ve gotten a fellowship to do a special course of study in Germany, but I’m taking a week and a half to visit friends in England and Ireland along the way. This wouldn’t be such a huge deal except I’ve never […]

La maison, c’est moi

My family religiously observed the tradition of Sunday dinner (literally, since, as many readers know, family time is a Mormon fetish). Every other week we gathered for the whole evening⎯the grandparents, the siblings, and us, the first cousins. To say the teenaged me took these get-togethers for granted would be a huge understatement, but I […]

Nice Day For A Drive(by)

It’s a rare day that it rains in Los Angeles, and a rarer one that Tim and I spend the afternoon together at home, not running errands or otherwise careening about. The rain had been coming down in sheets for a good part of the morning, and we were cosily tucked at our computers, working […]

Judgement Day

I just finished my jury duty service for the year. For most people, this is something that they hope to avoid as much as possible, and I am no different. If you Google “jury duty Los Angeles” you’ll find as many pages on how to get out of serving as you will on the particulars […]

A medium appropriate to the object of critique

It’s our first-ever podcast. The topic: The most irritating NPR clip of all time.

Cookie jar

Over the last few months an entertaining but depressing scandal has been erupting in British politics.  It turns out that, in spite of the British sense of fair play, our politicians are just as corrupt and disappointing as everyone else’s. Members of Parliament are entitled to claim expenses from the taxpayer for maintaining second homes, […]


SNAP! My partner and I lay awake after hearing the startling sound – the proclamation that we do (or did) indeed have a rat living in our attic. We listen as the rodent struggles. My partner, beside herself, swears that she can hear it crying. I close my eyes and work toward falling back asleep. […]

New Orleans, redux

With a nod to Wendy’s excellent photo essay from 2007, here are a few scenes from New Orleans, circa December 2008. The French Quarter: A sliding levee between the Mississippi and Jax Brewery: Random sights in the Garden District: And on our way out of town, views of eastern New Orleans, still bearing the scars […]

Crack House Diary Entry: College Application

This is only a Crackhouse Diary entry in the sense that Susan and I would have never known the author of the following college admission essay had Susan not chosen to teach in a South Central high school.  The student, who wishes to remain anonymous, approached Susan for help with her application process.  Susan brought […]