Archive of Biscuits

Your body is a battleground

BYU produces the soft-gay-porniest anti-masturbation video ever.

Sportz talk

For the one or two sports fans here, I present a sports/comedy podcast starring comedian Erin Foley and your own L. Parrish.


for sale on Craigslist.

Visualizing the exact moment Beyoncé blew up the Internet

This is pretty great. Pow!

51,498 unique visitors

That’s how many TGW had in August of 2007. Mind-blowing, isn’t it?

How a record is made

Silent film from 1928 explaining how a Columbia Record is recorded and manufactured. Required viewing. ht @jodyrosen

Laurie on Lou

Here is Laurie Anderson’s farewell tribute to Lou Reed, in Rolling Stone. So beautiful, so sweet.

Lou, John, and Nico – Paris ’72

I’d never seen any footage of this show before. Incredible.

The Music of Nature

You have to listen to the first track of this! Mind. Blown.

Twitter redux

The fact that Twitter remains less mainstream than Facebook is, frankly, a big part of its appeal. An interesting piece from HuffPo in advance of the platform’s IPO.