Author Archive

Shapes and beeps and rapture

hellz yeah. Bigify this, sit back, and watch it ALL, even if you think you don’t like this kinda music, because while you may think you get the gist of it at first, it’s exponential. and this is without even the element of color! Finally we know why he’s called Squarepusher–it’s the perfect enactment of […]

The magic world

The first time I heard of the Alhambra and saw a photo of it in a book, I was captivated. I couldn’t imagine that a place like that with a name like that existed in this century, on this planet. I was living in central Europe at the time, though, so I was standing inside […]

The old fools

The Old Fools by Philip Larkin What do they think has happened, the old fools, To make them like this? Do they somehow suppose It’s more grown-up when your mouth hangs open and drools, And you keep on pissing yourself, and can’t remember Who called this morning? Or that, if they only chose, They could […]

Now digging

Now digging: *The way the hubbs has been recently rocking three very close but unmatching shades of the same color. I ruminate on color a lot, buckets of lot, but wouldna arrived at this. Here he is today being sky. Yesterday, stone. *The juicy nugget that Rick Santorum’s wife lived “in sin” for six years […]

Oh no I di’int

(title/concept courtesy of S. Godfree) So the year is almost over, and as with most years, I had a bunch of big plans for all the things I was going to do and change and accomplish for 2011. I don’t even much bother with the “lose five or ten pounds” one anymore, which I delude […]

Till human voices wake us, and we drown

Because of a family medical history predisposing me to cancer, I have an MRI screening at least once a year, sometimes twice. Most people I mention this to express a claustrophobic terror of this experience, but I find there’s something perversely peaceful about it. Getting tucked into a heavy double layer of blankets, I start […]

The inside/out project

You may remember the NYT magazine spread about the French street artist JR, who won the 2011 TED prize for his global innovation in pasting enormous photographs of individual faces in public places: the concrete banks of the Seine, where a giant nude reclines; metal rooftops in Nairobi, where a series of women’s eyes are […]

Irene’s mother

Six years and a week after Katrina, New Orleans is still bustin’ open with music and oysters and muffalettas and floats and masks and slang and cocktails and friendliness. At night the street corners spill over with virtuosic brass bands. In the “right” parts of town, you’d never know anything had changed. Just like always, […]

Letter from Louisiana

Flyer posted outside a club in New Orleans: As if Katrina weren’t bad enough?

Bloomsday wanderings

June 16 is a day of celebration and extreme geekery for modernist lit types everywhere, but nowhere more so than Dublin, which is so explicitly and accurately mapped in Joyce’s Ulysses that if you care about it at all, it’s still possible (required, even) to trace the exact path its antiheroic protagonist Leopold Bloom walks […]