Trip report day 2: The next morning it was evident that temperatures had gotten down to freezing or a bit below, at least the air right over the lake: the previously unfrozen edge of the lake was covered with a thin layer of new ice, and there was a spot where meltwater feeding the lake […]
Author Archive
Walking in the Wallowas, part 1
Wallowa hike trip report, day 1 (July 7): I wanted a short, easy, but pretty backpacking trip, and things lined up to spend three days in the Wallowas with friends. Midday on the first day, we drove up the Lostine River to Two Pan trailhead. The plan for the day was to hike about 8 […]
Hipster Martha Stewart: Uncanny plant/animal hybrid for your bathroom wall
“Well, the blog is finally gone,” says Parrish. “Gone; done,” says I. We sip our Scotch in memory of blog posts of yore. And yet. Wrestling with words and abstract concepts all day, a body’s got to have hobbies. One of my current ones appears to be PLANTS! And today’s plant cried out, not literally, […]
I finished the bench made from the nice piece of wood. It was’t that hard, but it took some time. Sanded down the wood with several grits of sandpaper. (An orbital sander made this SO much easier than just using sandpaper wrapped around a block of wood.) Then wipe-on polyurethane, one of the least hip […]
Draft Liz?
I was in Iowa this weekend where apparently nobody can get enough of presidential nominating politics. There was a group of people outside my hotel handing out t-shirts and getting email addresses. I’m not going to say that Warren would solve all our problems. But when I think back on the Bill Clinton administration, and […]
Compact OED
Borges dreamed of the infinite book, and although I wouldn’t have taken the description to that metaphysical extreme, so do I. It’s easier to let that dream go now that I’ve gotten used to infinite network nodes and am never more than a couple of feet from an access point. But the electricity might go […]