Author Archive

Tales from the office

Sharon Although she’s in her late seventies and has memory problems, Sharon still recognizes that she enjoys the company of younger men. She has enough money to hire a full-time aide to assist her in all endeavors. And she always chooses handsome and educated men in their early thirties. I’ve met three of them so […]

Tales from the office

Murray and Esther For a 73-year-old retired man, Murray looked great. The first time I met him, I noted a thin and spry graying man on my exam room table who waiting excitedly for his yearly physical. And his attentive wife sat on a chair right beside him. That was the norm for my practice. […]

Tales from the office

Elaine I met Elaine four years ago. Although her home attendant had to push her wheelchair into the room, Elaine cheerfully asserted her control over the visit. Her smile beamed as she greeted me with a warm “Here I am!” I soon learned it was her trademark greeting. I also noted that it was a […]

Tales from the office

Barnaby His name on my schedule surprised me that morning. I figured it must be him, because even in NYC there can’t be that many people with his name and general age. When he showed up my suspicion was confirmed. Barnaby was a friend of mine. Not a close friend, but we had hung out […]

Tales from the office

James James came into my office with penile discharge. I felt relieved because it was bound to be a quick visit—I’d test him for chlamydia and gonorrhea and give him the appropriate antibiotic. But I was wrong. The twenty-two year old had already seen three doctors in the last three months about the problem. He […]

Tales from the office

Marshall I saw Marshall last year as a new patient who needed a physical. He had no other medical complaints. On exam I observed that he was sixty pounds overweight. And his blood tests showed the beginning of diabetes and high cholesterol. Moreover, his blood pressure was on the border of being high. At the […]

Tales from the office

Maxine Although she has diabetes, high blood pressure, and occasional arthritic pain, Maxine is a relatively healthy 55-year-old woman. She came to the clinic, however, complaining of knee pain. I evaluated her and diagnosed the pain as worsening arthritis. We discussed the treatment plan: adjust the oral anti-inflammatory medicine and start physical therapy. As I […]

Tales from the office

Hilda Hilda complained that her neurologist was rude. The doctor accused Hilda of having a poor memory and being incompetent to take care of her own affairs. He insisted that Hilda get an MRI scan of the brain to identify signs of brain deterioration. And he wanted her to take a new medicine. At age […]

Tales from the office

Jim Jim wasn’t the typical “Chelsea Boy” — a somewhat disparaging moniker given to gay, muscle-bound, intellectually-challenged men living in the west-side Manhattan neighborhood of Chelsea. He was sure trying, however. He had lost fifty pounds over the last two years, accomplished at the expense of sagging skin trying in vain to conform to his […]

Dear Cedric

Dear Cedric, When my boyfriend orgasms, he shoots his load much further than mine. What can I do to improve my distance? Lance B. Dear Lance, We all love pushing our bodies to their limits. Who hasn’t participated in a watermelon seed spitting contest? A rock-skipping challenge? Or a hotdog eat-off? Growing up, all boy […]