That was nice twice

As previously reported, Dave and Stella went to Maine.  First stop, the American Folk Festival in Bangor.  It opened with the University of Maine Black Bears Marching Band.

new tuba

And Lil’ Ed and the Blues Imperials.

new lil ed

And a couple with matching LL Bean backpacks dancing.

new dancers

The next day tropical storm Danny made it very wet.

new water on wires

But people kept their spirits up.

new umbrella

new rain dance

And enjoyed the kosher gospel of Joshua Nelson

new joshua nelson

and the soul of Mighty Sam McClain.

new sam mcclain

Much food was consumed including Maine blueberries, both wild

new blueberries

and tamed,

new blueberry pie

and the famous lobster.

new lobster

We went onwards and upwards to Acadia National Park for some serious hiking on Dorr Mountain.

new hike start

We went up

new dave up

and up

new and up

and through

new stella in crevice

and up

new stella climbs

until we reached

new view

the top.

new stella at top

Maine.  My (our?) new favorite state.

6 responses to “That was nice twice”

  1. ScottyGee says:

    I’ve wanted to check out Maine for so long, but now I’m DYING to! Did you all do any camping, or were you staying in motels and whatnot?

  2. Dave says:

    We stayed in motels. Our motel on the coast was particularly great, totally stuck in 1962, with a lovely view of a harbor full of lobster boats and sailboats. There seemed to be lots of camping facilities. In general, Acadia Nat’l Park was quite miniature and tame compared to national parks in the West, and that was enjoyable in its own way.

  3. J-Man says:

    Tim and I had an amazing trip to Maine last summer – we stayed in these little cabins run by the Appalachian Mountain Club. This is more toward the center of Maine near Mt. Katahdin. There’s a vast amount of wilderness in Maine. Also really beautiful and green. I’d love to go back.

  4. A White Bear says:

    Dave is ridonkulously cute.

  5. I’m surprised that you didn’t do anything regarding the ocean or the beach. I’m also happy that you didn’t–it means there’s more to the state than just the coast.

  6. Stella says:

    #5 – there’s a whole series of photos of sea-kayaking but I didn’t want to make this any longer…ah, the sea.

    Although, #1, I have delightful pictures of the motel – lighthouse wallpaper borders and curtains with sea cottages.

    #4 – yes! It was hard not to just make this a photo essay about dave’s cuteness.