artist: Peck
medium: commercial lithograph on paper
size: 18″ x 18″
exhibition history: framed in the bedroom of Jasper Mac Twitchell
provenance: acquired from Bistro du Coin, Washington D.C., January 20, 2009
original purchase price: $16.50 USD
estimated value: PRICELESS!
I wish there were some other races in there as well.
It’s kind of gaudy…but it’s a cool concept…
There’s so much great bad Obama art out there! While in New Orleans over the holidays RB and I saw a truly horrific oil portrait. We thought about buying it and turning one room into a gallery of bad Obama art. Maybe I’ll even paint one, to get started.
What is interesting to me is that this is truly religious art – it could be an illustration from the old family Bible – the meltly-eyed Jesus or the animals walking toward grandpa Noah. When art and rapture come together, everyone can be an artist, it is not about the artistry per sea but the communication of passion. From this aspect, I cannot remember the last time people felt the need to express themselves in this way – Bob Marley? Che’? Elvis? Those few times when a person comes to represent a movement. I think this is a wonderful example of this type of art and I love it. The gaudiness is part of the charm, this is the expression of something deep and spiritual – and it is specifically about race and transcends race at the same time.
i was once driven to my knees by the work of an untrained artist working out his feelings about 9/11.
this was not a man that painted, in fact i don’t think EVER. yet after that event, he was compelled to go to the art store to buy some paints and a canvas and create a tribute to his wounded nation.
his family then left the ‘installation’ in tact, in the laundry room. i would like to think perhaps it is there still.
while being led to this room, his daughter gave us a description of what we were about to see, it was, completely inadequate.
the work itself, the pallet with the now dried, unused paint, the brushes in a jar, the whole . . . mise-en-scene created an effect so distinct, so compelling so naive and heartfelt you KNEW you were on sacred ground.
that basement was hallowed by this man’s act of creation springing from the depths of unexpected emotion. in response my knees buckled, and i dropped to the floor, in wonder, and amusement.
it is something i will never forget.
this work is in that vein.
art brut, i suppose.
and Oscar . . .
the grouch?
ok ok just sayin’ . . .
Pandora is right, this is about race. I suppose I just felt left out.
It’s a shame the artist couldn’t figure out how to work in the significant Green Trashcan Monster portion of Obama’s heritage.
This might have to be my first acquisition: Naked Obama and his unicorn. Ahem.
That giant-headed child is truly fearsome. It will haunt my dreams! Can’t quite figure out who she’s meant to be.
Good acquisition. You should build a shrine under it.
5 & 6: Beautifully put. Thanks
10: Nice! I like how the unicorn has pierced right through the O on the Obama sticker/button.
“Camp Lei Nude Obama Unicorn Hawaiian Volcano Art Lacey”
great , , , what . . . title? listing?
what a strange image!
In keeping with the Obama love, I found this:
Someone should go buy it. I have way too many hats.
#11 – Do you mean Rosa Parks?
Hm. Let’s try it again so it’s clickable:
i’d buy that if it came with that FREAKY mannaquuuuin!