Gentle readers,
For the next while I’ll be taking a leave of absence from TGW. Other projects require a more single-minded attention for the time being. Of previous contributors who’ve taken a hiatus — Farrell, Trixie, Parrish, Pandora, West, Walker, Cedarbrook — most are still around, at least on occasion, and some of those prodigals have made full returns. I hope that will be my case as well. I’ve always had a taste for fatted calf.
I wanted to leave you with something at least mildly entertaining this morning, though, and so I’ve painstakingly gone through dozens of YouTube clips to bring you the following — what I take to be the best “So Long, Farewell” clips on the internets. Most of these (with the exception of the one-of-a-kind #1) represent dozens of others from similar demographics.
5. A meticulous, unoriginal choreographed lip-synch from the 5th and 6th grade students of Victory Christian Academy:
4. A Dutch community theater version (our song starts 2 minutes in):
3. A holiday work party/Christmas spectacular grand finale:
2. A very prolific toddler named Gwendolyn belting it out:
1. And my personal favorite, Evan playing the song on his trumpet:
Auf Wiedersehen! Don’t wear out your lederhosen without me!
Nifty site, Bryan. I’ll miss your posts a lot–they’ve been a great way of keeping in touch, knowing what’s on your mind even when we’re too busy for regular correspondence. (Ironic, no?) Anyhow, I wish you continued success, and happily await your triumphant return. xoxo
woah. i just spent a good fifteen minutes in amazed wonder at your websited accomplishments. i can’t believe you’ve kept it up over here at the gw for so long, considering! you are an inspiration.
avoir for now. stay sweet and have a bitchen summer.
Black ‘n’ White, it’s been such a tremendous pleasure to get to know you through the Whatsit. I’m sure gonna miss you posts and comments. Good luck with your other stuff. You know that I’ll always love you.
BW, thanks for your posts, and expecially thanks for your welcoming attitude. Hope your publishing pursuits are fruitful.
aw. i hope you stay as prolific with your comments, at least… and, pleasepleaseplease–come back soon! (you’re always welcome to take up a once-every-month-and-a-half spot on west coast wednesdays (after all, you spent the summer out here!))…
Bryan, I think, for once, I agree with you. Evan was my favorite. He filmed himself because he knew that was the best he ever wanted to get on the trumpet.
Brian, it was so nice virtually meeting you and your wife. I loved your posts and hope to see more of them when you come back and if I am still on TGW. If you guys are ever in Cali, let me know, I’d love to meet you both in person. Good luck with your projects!
Sometimes I am so busy I don’t even have time to read TGW, let alone comment. And to have to write weekly…, I’m always impressed.
We’ll miss your Monday posts, but at least we can give our dictionaries a well-needed rest.
Can’t wait to see you this summer.
PS: I liked the little girl singing.
I’m so sad that I won’t be reading your Monday posts (for a little while, anyway). Alas, I can’t blame you at all. I found it a weekly wonder that you managed to produce a post and everything else you write. Have fun with your other projects!
You will be missed Brian good luck
adieu, adieu to you and you and you . . .
and that photo on the new site,
what a mensch!
Bryan best of luck in all your endeavors. I echo the sentiments of your friends and collaborators above. I’ll miss your posts here but look forward to seeing what else you do with the time you were devoting here.
Thanks for these videos too. I will only say that all of them would have benefited from a Flava Flav cameo, followed by an out and out hijacking by Chuck D and the rest of P.E. But then, I’m kind of odd…
hey i just noticed on the Christian Academy one, they have someone sing “taste my first ‘SOUFLE'” over the word Champange.
Damn teetotalers!
I’m back at the computer today and see this. I’m quite sad reading your au revior. It really grabbed me. Mondays will not be the same without your posts. TGW will be perceptively different. It’s quite remarkable what you have on your plate right now. Good lord. I wish you lots of luck. And please don’t stay away too long. I’m looking forward to enjoying that fatted calf and a good wine in the near dear future. Godspeed, brother!
bryan, i have been avoiding reading this post because i will miss you so.
but i finally bucked up.
i can’t believe how much other stuff you have going on. crazee.
it goes without saying that we expect a visit when you are in philly presenting that paper later this summer. hopefully we will see you and yours several times before that, too.
Bryan – I couldn’t get to TGW earlier this week, but wanted to comment belatedly that I’ll really miss your Monday posts! Come back soon — as a prodigal who returned, I must say that the second time around is a charm. xoxoxoxoxoxo