You stomach contains a lot of very strong acid. It is an acidic environment.


Among the many reasons Whole Foods drives me crazy is their never-ending supply of snake oil.

7 responses to “You stomach contains a lot of very strong acid. It is an acidic environment.”

  1. GF says:

    What I’m mostly curious about for some reason is the fact that I will taste THIS difference.

  2. Bryan says:

    I just noticed that the title of this post starts “You stomach.” YOU! STOMACH! Get over here and drink “real” water.

  3. joao says:

    why did you go into hole foods if you are anything but a total twat any way?

  4. T-Mo says:

    “hole foods” heh heh

  5. Rachel says:

    Tim, I love that you are here. Let’s meet up. It’s the internet equivalent of a quiet coffeehouse in a big noisy city.

  6. Bryan says:

    Though it would be great if I got some more damn comments on that mix. It’s playing in the background of the coffee house! Maybe you need to ask them to turn it up.

  7. T-Mo says:

    The baristas tell me that the hi-fi is on the fritz. “Sorry, we need a new computer to be able to play any sort of streaming music,” they say. It’s LP’s until then.