TGW spins: No Age, An Object

Here’s a new old idea: let’s listen to a whole album and talk about it. Most of us belong to or have been guests at record clubs across this great land. Let’s skew the format a little and spend a week talking about a single new release, long-play. I’ve added a new category called “TGW Spins” in case someone has something they want to share in the same format.

I don’t have a lot intelligent to say about No Age‘s new LP yet, but unlike a lot of other recent downloads it’s brought me back for enough repeated listens that I put in an order for the vinyl. I spent some time with their debut a few years back, but to be honest I haven’t really pulled it out since then. This one was torpedoed over at the ‘fork — they never really have nice things to say about LA bands, now do they? — but I didn’t bother to read the review until after I’d streamed it there for the first time. And I think it’s pretty wrong-headed.

I need a little noise in my pop right now. Stephanie walked in on me listening to this the other day and said she imagined it sounds pretty much how I feel: a little frenetic, amped up, too much to do, a case of the nerves every couple days, dissonant. Probably some truth in that. But the record feels, ultimately, excited about something, getting down to business, a little old school. And I guess I feel like all of those things too.

I won’t say much more now. But how does this sound to you? Tracks you like? I keep playing track 2, surprised to hear echoes of The Replacements there. Give this a spin this week and lemme know what you think.

6 responses to “TGW spins: No Age, An Object

  1. T-Mo says:

    I’ve been meaning to listen to this. Will report back after I’ve had the chance.

  2. Bryan says:

    According to one of my iPods I also own their second album, Nouns. When I played it again I only remembered the second track, “Eraser.” I must not have played it much, which is a shame because it sounds great right now.

  3. Bryan says:

    So I’ve had two people tell me now that the Soundcloud files won’t play for them. It works on all of my devices. Not sure why it’s not playing for others. Maybe try the streams at Pitchfork or Stereogum?

  4. Farrell Fawcett says:

    Bryan, I like this idea a lot. The mechanics of it got messed up though when I couldn’t play it straight through because of soundcloud restrictions. Had to resort to youtube. Then bought my favorite track, your favorite track, the albums most downloaded track on itunes, “I won’t be your generator.” It’s a cool half-bored noisy whistle-alongy track a-la sonic youth’s more accessible songs. I love it. The rest of the album is a challenge though. I’m not in a place in life where I spend time with a lot of noise. I crave the high of melody and straightforward sonic euphoria. The closest I come these days to something noisy is Jackson Scott’s “that awful sound”, Surfer Blood’s “Demon Dance” and Wavves “Demon to Lean on”. (What’s up with Demon everywhere?) Sure do love those songs–mainly cause the noise is just window dressing.

    Love playing along with any music-related post. Keep em coming.

  5. Bryan says:

    It’s typically the case that we get notices that we can do things in the UAE — Spotify, etc. — unless we’re using a proxy server. So it’s kind of funny that we’re somehow bypassing a Soundcloud restriction by not being in the US.

    I’ve listened to all the No Age albums quite a few times this week. I can see where some reviewers are complaining about accessibility on this one, but it’s a perfect balance for me between noise and pop right now. The pace works for me, and I like the retro feel — American 80s/90s college rock — of a lot of the songs. It’s not a vibe I’ve been on much lately, but for whatever reason it got me through this week.

    And I haven’t been listening to any of the three songs you just mentioned, so I’ll be sure to remedy that today.

    I’ll try this format again with something less likely to be blocked. Thanks for playing in spite of obstacles.

  6. GF says:

    Ok, I just got to this on Spotify because I kept seeing it when i wasn’t at home and thinking “I’ll listen on Spotify later.” So far, a few tracks in, it falls into the category of “not my thing, but fun to listen to once” which is more of a good thing than it sounds like. The singing style (probably because I don’t have a lot in this genre to compare it with…it’s just not my wheelhouse) reminds me of like The Ramones or Unrest, guys too tough to get quite past the yell/sing border. It’d be great music for driving through empty terrain in hot weather, but I’d want it on a mix tape with something more lyrical. Track four, I feel like I’m awake somewhere crowded at an hour I’m too old to be awake somewhere crowded at. I’ll check out the rest another time.