Six-year-old judges books by covers

As a follow-up to this, we now have this: A six-year-old who looks at book covers and then declares what she thinks the books are about.



“That looks VERY CREEPY!!!” (My daughter insisted that there be three, exactly three exclamation points). “It looks like it would be scary and very very strange and about creepy things. The story is about a very very hairy eagle who hangs out with fancy ladies.”



“I think it’s about baseball. A person who likes to play baseball but also takes care of a plane.”




“This is all about a tiny town, beneath the ground. And it looks like it has a lot of people in the town. I think they live in Africa. It looks like a fun book for kiddies! Teens! All ages!”




“This is about Daydis (her spelling it’s actually – Daedalus). He is an ancient god guy who prays a lot. This book is about him crying. He is crying because he doesn’t like himself at all, because he hates himself. It looks like a saddy, saddy, saddy bookie.”


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