Presumably you’ve all seen the Hillary Clinton spoof of the last scene of the Sopranos. Why Clinton would compare herself to Tony Soprano (and Bill to Carmela, etc.) is beyond me, but there you have it. Depending on how deeply you’ve sunk into the blogosphere, you may also have read that the deranged law professor and blogger Ann Althouse believes that the onion rings Hillary doesn’t let Bill eat actually represent vaginas.
And of course, the video was meant to get us excited that Clinton has chosen an official campaign theme song: an atrocity called “You and I” by that musical scourge from the North, Celine Dion.
Before any of you rises to defend Celine or Hillary, listen, if you dare, to the following YouTube clip (via LGM), possibly the worst cover I’ve ever heard. Now, can you vote for a woman who had the poor judgment to choose this singer to express the spirit of her campaign?
Dave, this put me off my breakfast. Celine’s scrawny ass is horrifying, especially when she attempts to “shimmy.”
“He was the best damn….man that I ever seen”? It just doesn’t scan.
Pity Hillary Clinton. She did it to herself.
And can someone tell me what the %&$#* Fred Thompson is doing at the top of the Republican polls?
Does it sound to anyone else like that other woman (Anastacia?) is using real-time pitch correction?
And what do you make of the tools in the audience singing along?
i’m not sure which is weirder — the hillary/sopranos video or the celine/ACDC bit. scarier than the shimmy, though, rachel, are her bony pelvis thrusts. eewww.
I knew we could count on Carl Wilson over at Zoilus for an intellectual take on this matter. He’s in the process of writing a book about Celine, which if I remember right from earlier things he’s said has something to do with Canadianness and whiteness and class.
That Carl Wilson piece is excellent. It made me think of a story my sister told me: In college, she traveled to New York for a Model U.N. confab, and as part of the trip her team went to a Letterman taping and then around the corner to the Hello Deli, where they ran into none other than Celine Dion. My sister’s friend was a huge Celine fan and actually burst into tears from pure joy. Luckily, she was able to clean herself up before someone snapped a picture, which ran in the college newspaper.
Ouch. That’s bad, man. Who the hell is advising her? The sopranos spoof is pretty bad, but the chosen song? My guess is that more people will have voted for her theme song than for her when it’s all said and done. My money is riding on Obama or maybe even Edwards.
At any rate, I’ll be disappointed if someone doesn’t pick another Canadian genius’ cover for a theme song.
Man that’s like fifty kinds of bad. Bryan’s right, the worst part is the pelvic thrusts. Eegads, when the asexual try to bring sexy back it’s just not good at all. Also, there’s definitely something off about that other chick’s voice, Dave. She can’t hit the notes, for real, “girlfriend”.
As for Hillary’s choice of songs, I almost feel like it’s not worth the effort to dig too deep on it. It’s just as safe as they come — no sex, no drugs, no rock n roll, no nothing. Just like almost everything she does, it’s calculated not to offend, which offends me much, much more.
Bill’s use of Fleetwood Mac was genius — fun, upbeat, a little rockin’, maybe some tokin’. Oh yeah.
the link in #7 made my day, though i couldn’t bring myself to watch past the first chorus.
#3 – Yes, that vocal is unequivocally being processed up the wazoo. She probably should’ve waited until her sex change was complete until she attempted to sing again… I couldn’t watch past the guitar solo.
Wow. Just goes to show you that people will eat up (with gusto) whatever is placed in front of them.
that literally caused goosebumps of repulsion to form over my entire body.
who IS the blond woman, by the way? i agree with jen, she lookin’ transexual.
i’m pretty fascinated by canadians– so cool and so dorky all at once.
“Anastacia is an American pop singer and songwriter. She has been highly successful in Europe, Oceania, Asia and South Africa but has not had as much success in her native United States.” [Wikipedia]
It hurts when your own people reject you.
Personally, I would like to see Gore join the race with the Police’s “When The World Is Running Down”.
Personally, I would like to see Gore join the race with the Police’s “When The World Is Running Down”.
that’s genius.
genius indeed. i just saw The Police at Oakland Coliseum and damned if it wasn’t the best show I’ve seen in ages. Seriously.
Brooke: Thanks for the link in #7. Peaches, another Canadian, has a parody of the parody, “My Humps, My Lumps” (not for the faint of stomach). This chain of parodies is amusing, especially since the original is essentially a parody of itself.
Dave, Bryan, Lane: Although new here, I already see greatwhatsit potential to amuse, inspire, provoke, and, as in the case of Celine’s clip, disturb.
Dave: I posted a response to “Against certainty” from the last week, but it didn’t seem to take. Anyway, your article was great.
Why is Hillary politically boneheaded enough set her candidacy for president of the United States of America to a song by a prominent Canadian? Does she think Fox News commentators don’t already have enough ways to make her seem un-American? I think it’s dumb that a candidate has to behave that way (obviously, liking Celine Dion doesn’t make you un-American — it just makes you lame) but come on, realpolitik etc. etc.
Not just Canadian — French Canadian.
I watched Peaches’ parody of Alannis’s parody. Oh, to un-see what I have seen.
Slate did a cool story about the history of campaign songs. Some of the best include “Huzzah for Madison, Huzzah,” “Monroe is the Man,” the campaign song of William Henry Harrison that called Martin Van Buren a “little squirt wirt wirt,” and Van Buren’s rejoinder that ran as follows: “Rockabye baby, Daddy’s a Whig/ When he comes home, hard cider he’ll swig/ When he has swug, he’ll fall in a stew/ and down will come Tyler and Tippecanoe.”
This slate article mentions that Hillary actually let people vote on her campaign song. I have to go take a some aspirin now.
June 20, 2007
Washington — The winning anthem for Democratic Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign is Celine Dion’s You and I.
Ms. Dion’s song, which Air Canada used in the fall of 2004 as its theme song after it emerged from bankruptcy protection, received the most votes, beating out I’m a Believer by Smash Mouth, Beautiful Day by U2 and Shania Twain’s Rock This Country! among others.