This is a painting by Edward Ruscha that hangs in the Hirshhorn Museum of Art in Washington D.C.
I was having a conversation with someone recently about how different the world is today. The introduction of cell phones and the internet are making big, fundamental differences in how we interact, think, communicate and socialize.
I don’t want to make much more of it than that.
Happy Holiday.
“No End to the Things Made out of Human Talk” is the title of the painting.
what’s the holiday?
i’ve never seen this ruscha before, but i like the fact that it has this title and is, unlike most other ruscha paintings i know, textless. (at least as far as i can tell from this image.) it’s like the prehistory for the rest of his paintings.
my attempt to crack the hermetic seal around your brain, lane.
That ceiling is so low — it’s oppressing me.
hey lane — here’s another thing the painting reminded me of.
Happy Holiday.
Sam Walton’s birthday?
Sometimes I think of the computer monitor as the hearth of the 21st-century home. “Fight for your DELL UltraSharp 2007FP 20-inch Black Flat Panel Monitors, LCD with Height Adjustable Stands!” just doesn’t have the same ring.
The feast day of St. Ludolf of Ratzeburg?
Elle McPherson’s birthday?
No, I know…Bud Cort’s!
I actually asked Lane this morning if it was Ed Ruscha’s birthday, and he very quickly replied, “No, of course not, that’s December 16.”
i think he means a holiday from long-winded posts.
Is it a prescient version of Good Friday/ Cesar Chavez? When, exactly, did Jesus rise from the dead? I honestly don’t know; I’m bible-deficient.
Or…maybe Lane’s an aries:
Horoscopes by Holiday for March 29
The fire-sign energy that rules the day has a declaration to make: Confidence is power. It even gives you power over time. When you trust yourself, you move without hesitation, quickly and precisely. In this mode you maximize your moments. You can accomplish more in a confident 15 minutes than you could in an insecure 24 hours.
I actually loved this post. At first blush, I thought, that’s it? Then, went back and studied the fireplace again.
Loved it.
Hermetically sealed.
I don’t want to make much more of it than that.
When, exactly, did Jesus rise from the dead?
Um, never?
Then, went back and studied the fireplace again.
this made me go back and look at it again. good one, marley. sealed indeed.
I know, it’s Amy Sedaris’ b-day! Today is also the day I won in traffic court (hoooooray!!!!!) — an event so rare it should be commoditized as a holiday.
I intended this as a holday post for Dave to have in reserve for like . . . Memorial Day, or something.
But he used it early. I did read it as a break from long winded posts, funny.
#8 “LUDOLF” that’s good!
#13 Thanks for looking close. I guess that was the point.
Yes #16 as the “impecible” Ruscha always said, “I’m after the huh? wow! as opposed to the wow! huh?”
Sadly I think my work is mostly “wow! huh?”
But as Warhol would say, “get it exactly wrong”