Tuesday mishmash: Hold your breath

1. David Blaine, who is either a master magician or a publicity-seeking hack, depending on who you ask, gave a talk at TED about the various tricks and stunts he’s done over the years. It’s fascinating stuff. He also explains how he trained himself to hold his breath for 17 minutes, and how you can learn to hold yours for longer. (via boingboing)


2. Photographer Irina Werning recreates people’s childhood photos, down to the last detail. Click here for a gallery.

3. What to do with all those plastic bags from the grocery store? Knit a giant squid. (Via Whodunnknit.)

And a happy Tuesday to ya!

4 responses to “Tuesday mishmash: Hold your breath”

  1. Tim says:

    I love those portraits! Some of them are so well done that it appears that they were taken one right after the other, and something magical has happened in between that aged the subjects in seconds.

    The other photos on that site (other than the dressed-up dog) are really good, too. Thank you, LP!

  2. Jeremy says:

    Holy crap. Those photos are friggin’ awesome! Like Tim, I recommend checking out the rest on that site.

  3. Stella says:

    Those photos are frightening! And depressing. Oh god…do we all have to age?

  4. PB says:

    I am totally making a squid.