Book Report

This is my book report for eighth-grade social studies. I read a book called “Game Change.” It was really good. It was all about the presidential campaign of 2008, which took place when I was in the sixth and seventh grades and the summer in between. I didn’t understand much about politics then, but now I do.

Here is what I learned from “Game Change”:

Bill and Hillary Clinton argue sometimes. He really wanted her to be president, maybe because he wanted to be co-president. He has a temper. She tried really hard to become president, and even cried once. Some people said they were racist, but they aren’t really so they got super mad.

Barack Obama is really cool. Some people say he’s like Jesus. He is black. Some people say Jesus was black. Actually, that wasn’t in “Game Change,” but I heard it once.

John Edwards is a bad man. His wife is also not very nice, even though people felt bad for her. They once argued at an airport and she took her shirt off.

John McCain is old and crotchety. He swears A LOT. He didn’t really want to be president, but then he really wanted to win. He hired a lady named Sarah Palin to be his Vice President. She didn’t know anything about anything, but she tried to memorize it all in a week or two. It didn’t work.

Barack Obama won, and America is the greatest nation in the world. That last part wasn’t in the book either, but I learned it last year in seventh-grade Social Studies.

When I grow up, you couldn’t pay me to run for president.

The end.

5 responses to “Book Report”

  1. Tim says:

    Thank you, Lisa, for that interesting report.

    Class, does anyone have any questions for Lisa?

    Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

  2. Jeremy says:

    That was awesome.

  3. ScottyGee says:

    Well done, Lisa. Well done!

  4. reddog says:

    Teacher, Teacher!
    Lisa borrowed my pencil and now she won’t give it back.
    It’s the second time this week that has happened.

  5. Tim says:

    Now, Red Dog, nobody likes a snitch.